Betekenis van:
common beet

common beet
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • biennial Eurasian plant usually having a swollen edible root; widely cultivated as a food crop





    1. Sugar beet and cane producers in the new Member States have benefited since accession from price support under Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/2001 of 19 June 2001 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector [2].
    2. The reference price for sugar and the minimum price for quota beet referred to in Article 5 of Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 of 20 February 2006 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector [17] are closely linked and should be known to operators for an entire marketing year.
    3. Sugar beet and chicory growers in the new Member States have benefited since accession from price support in the framework of Regulation (EC) No 1260/2001 of 19 June 2001 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector [6].
    4. In order to meet the objectives underlying the reform of the common agricultural policy, the support for sugar beet, cane and chicory used for the production of sugar or inulin syrup should be de-coupled and integrated into the single payment scheme.
    5. Member States which reduce their sugar quota by more than 50 %, may grant temporary State aid during the period for which the transitional aid for beet growers is being paid in accordance with chapter 10f of Council Regulation (EC) No 319/2006 of 20 February 2006 amending Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support scheme for farmers [12].
    6. In Member States which have granted the restructuring aid provided for in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 320/2006 for at least 50 % of the sugar quota fixed on 20 February 2006 in Annex III to Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 of 20 February 2006 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector [32], aid shall be granted to sugar beet and cane producers under the conditions laid down in this Section.
    7. Member States which reduce their sugar quota by more than 50 %, may grant temporary State aid during the period for which the transitional aid for beet growers is being paid in accordance with chapter 10f of Council Regulation (EC) No 319/2006 of 20 February 2006 amending Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support scheme for farmers [12]. The Commission shall, on the basis of an application by any Member State concerned, decide on the total amount of the State aid available for this measure.
    8. Commission Regulation (EC) No 917/2004 of 29 April 2004 on detailed rules to implement Council Regulation (EC) No 797/2004 on actions in the field of beekeeping [48];Commission Regulation (EC) No 382/2005 of 7 March 2005 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1786/2003 on the common organisation of the market in dried fodder [49];Commission Regulation (EC) No 967/2006 of 29 June 2006 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 as regards sugar production in excess of the quota [50].(22) Provision should also be made for a transitional period in the sugar sector, as regards the exchange rate applicable to the minimum price for beet, in view of the contracts signed to this end between beet growers and sugar producers for the 2006/07 marketing year which are currently being implemented.
    9. In accordance with Article 16 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 174/1999 of 26 January 1999 on specific detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 as regards export licences and export refunds on milk and milk products [2], the refund granted for milk products containing added sugar is equal to the sum of the two components; one is intended to take account of the quantity of milk products and is calculated by multiplying the basic amount by the milk products content in the product concerned; the other is intended to take account of the quantity of added sucrose and is calculated by multiplying the sucrose content of the entire product by the basic amount of the refund valid on the day of exportation for the products listed in Article 1(1)(d) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/2001 of 19 June 2001 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector [3], however, this second component is applied only if the added sucrose has been produced using sugar beet or cane harvested in the Community.
    10. In accordance with Article 16 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 174/1999 of 26 January 1999 on specific detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 804/68 as regards export licences and export refunds on milk and milk products [2], the refund granted for milk products containing added sugar is equal to the sum of the two components; one is intended to take account of the quantity of milk products and is calculated by multiplying the basic amount by the milk products content in the product concerned; the other is intended to take account of the quantity of added sucrose and is calculated by multiplying the sucrose content of the entire product by the basic amount of the refund valid on the day of exportation for the products listed in Article 1(1)(d) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/2001 of 19 June 2001 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector [3], however, this second component is applied only if the added sucrose has been produced using sugar beet or cane harvested in the Community.